Online: Sign up or access your account online with SmartHub.
Meter Reading Date: Meter readings are collected on the same date at the end of each month. Bills are sent out on or near the 10th of the following month.
Bill Due Date: If your payment isn't received by the due date printed on your bill, you will receive a "friendly reminder" phone call.
Deliquent Notice: If the bill is still delinquent after 15 days of the printed due date, your account may be disconnected for non-payment. See information under our Service Requests and Fees.
Sample Bill
1. This chart shows your electrical use by month for the last year.
2. This is a message center from Southwest Iowa REC.
3. kWh Usage: The number of the kWh hours for the month that this bill covers.
4. Availability Charge: This fixed charge includes all of the various costs of providing this service to you.
5. EAC Charge: EAC = Energy Adjustment Charge. This adjustment is made monthly based on the fluctuating fuel costs for generating power.
6. Energy Charge: The cost of the kWh hours for the month that this bill covers.
7. Net Amount Due: This is the total charge for all the services you receive through Southwest Iowa REC over the billing period.
8. This bar code is used by the post office for sorting by area.