Region 1
District 1: Jason Smith, Diagonal
District 2: Marilyn Werner, Shannon City
District 3: Dale Walkup, Mount Ayr
District 4: Terry Barnes, Mount Ayr
At-Large Region 1
Bonnie Larson, Diagonal
Region 2
District 5: Deena Moore, Corning
District 6: Kay Fast-Deyoe, Villisca
District 7: Dana Morgan, Corning
District 8: Alan Spencer, Stanton
At-Large Region 2
Mark Herzberg, Villisca
Board of Director Biographies
Jason Smith : District 1 : Diagonal

Jason Smith : District 1 : Diagonal
Jason lives one and a half miles south of Diagonal and works for Southern Iowa Rural Water Associates and farms as well. Jason is on the Farm Bureau Board, Ringgold County FSA Board, Eagle Lake Board and is also a member of the Diagonal Lions Club. In his spare time, Jason enjoys spending time with family and friends. His hobbies include hunting and fishing.
Email Jason by clicking here
Marilyn Werner : District 2 : Shannon City

Marilyn Werner : District 2 : Shannon City
Marilyn and her husband Steve live on a farm north of Tingley where they engage in livestock and grain farming. They have two daughters, one son, and seven grandchildren. Marilyn has a master's degree from Iowa State University and is retired from 23 years of employment at Southwestern Community College as Assessment Coordinator. She is active in the Tingley United Methodist Church and currently serves as trustee. Marilyn is an active volunteer in her community and has held various offices in P.E.O. Her special interests include gardening, reading, and photography. She has served on REC Board of Directors since 1993 and is a credentialed director having completed the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association's Director Program. Directors who hold this distinction are required to attend classes and demonstrate an understanding of competencies contained in five core electric utility courses.
Email Marilyn by clicking here
Dale Walkup : District 3 : Redding

Dale Walkup : District 3 : Redding
Dale and his wife, Sharon, live on a farm east of Redding. Their family includes daughters Amy and Ann, and son James. Dale and Sharon have six grandchildren. The Walkups have a corn/bean row crop farming operation and a cow/calf herd. Dale is currently a Ringgold County Conservation Board member, Clinton Township Trustee, Treasurer of Redding Frontier Days, and a member of Redding United Methodist Church. He has served on the REC Board of Directors since 1980. He is also Southwest Iowa REC's representative on the Central Iowa Power Cooperative (CIPCO) board, our power supplier.
Email Dale by click here
Terry Barnes: District 4 : Mount Ayr

Terry Barnes: District 4 : Mount Ayr
Terry and his wife Peggy reside in southwest Ringgold County. They have two sons, Travis (wife Tessa) and Shannon (wife Tracy) along with 4 granddaughters and one grandson. When they are not tending to their livestock, they are keeping up with their grandchildren's activities. Terry is a member of Topaz Lodge #438 of Kellerton, Iowa.
Email Terry by clicking here
Bonnie Larson : At-Large Region 1 : Diagonal

Bonnie Larson : At-Large Region 1 : Diagonal
Bonnie and her husband, Will, live on their farm east of Diagonal with their three children - Rhett, Matt, and Abby. Bonnie keeps the records for her family's farm. She is on the SWCC Ag Advisory Board as well as the REC Advisory Board. Bonnie also enjoys volunteering at the various youth programs at her church. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening and spending time with her family.
Email Bonnie by clicking here
Adam Boswell : District 5 : Corning

Deena Moore : District 5 : Corning
Adam lives in northern Adams County with his wife Megan, and their five children. He farms with his father and operates their family construction and real estate businesses where he has worked for over twenty years. Adam currently serves as an advisory board member at Southwest Iowa Egg Cooperative and sits on the board of directors for the Corning Community School District.
To email Adam, please click here
Kay Fast-Deyoe : District 6 : Villisca

Kay Fast-Deyoe : District 6 : Villisca
Kay was born and raised on a family farm, southeast of Villisca, where she continues to live. She has served on the REC board since 2017 and is the current treasurer. Kay recently completed her CCD (credential cooperative director) certification, which includes 5 courses to improve her skills as a board director. She enjoys being a part of the REC family and working with members of the board.
Kay received a master’s degree in music education from NWMSU in Maryville MO. She completed 34 years in music education, serving districts in Red Oak, Villisca, and Glenwood. Kay has received numerous honors, including the Navy Music Award of Excellence, the prestigious Charles Lakin Teacher Award of Excellence, and the Outstanding Music Director at the Heritage Festivals in New Orleans. Under Kay’s direction, the Glenwood Jazz Choir was 3A state champions, and she was chosen to conduct the Opus Honor Choir at ISU in Ames. Kay is a published songwriter, and the author of the book “Learning to Live Again”.
Kay retired from education in 2015 but continues to work as a certified Iowa adjudicator for vocal music competitions. She is a lifelong member of the Villisca United Methodist Church, where she has served as a pianist for the past 40 years. She has two children, Dustin, (Laura), and Trisha (Rusty), and ten grandchildren. In the fall of 2023, she married Dave Deyoe. Her hobbies include spending time with family and friends, walking, shopping, traveling, and reading.
Email Kay by clicking here
Dana Morgan : District 7 : Corning

Dana Morgan : District 7 : Corning
Dana and wife Dena live near Corning. They have 3 children, Addison, Jack, and Harper. Dana works at New Balance Commodities in Nodaway. He is also the owner of Morgan Land & Cattle Company and is the past President of the Adams County Cattlemen. Dana has served on the REC Board since 2014. He enjoys working with the board, management & members to guide the co-op.
Email Dana by clicking here
Alan Spencer: Region 2 - District 8

Alan Spencer: Region 2 - District 8
Alan and his wife, Andrea, live on an acreage West of Stanton, IA. They have three children, Clark, Grant, and Addie. Spencer has a BS and MS Degree in Agricultural Education from Iowa State University. For the past 24 years, Spencer has served as the Ag Ed Instructor/FFA Advisor at West Marshall High School, Manson-NW Webster High School, and Red Oak High School and as the Iowa FFA Executive Director at the Iowa Department of Education. He is a graduate of Villisca High School and grew up on the family farm near Morton Mills. The Spencers are members of Immanuel Lutheran Church near Clarinda. Spencer has served on a wide variety of boards and committees and recently completed a three-year term as President of the Iowa Association of Agricultural Educators.
Mark Herzberg: At-Large Region 2: Villisca

Mark Herzberg: At-Large Region 2: Villisca
Mark and his wife Dawnette have four children: Chelsea, Jackie, Emily, Olivia, and four grandchildren. They have a farming operation near Villisca. Mark is also an Asgrow-Dekalb and Wyffels seed dealer. He is active in the Mt. Calvary Church, FFA Alumni, and is a past UFMC Associate Board member. Being on the Southwest Iowa REC Board of Directors has been a learning experience for Mark. He enjoys working with the rest of the board members, staff, and management to guide the Cooperative.
Email Mark by clicking here